

Camping & Village Rais Gerbi

Perfectly located on the sicilian tyrrhenian coast, only a couple of kilometres away from the fabulous small city of Cefal�, the Camping / Village Rais Gerbi appears to you. He satisfy all exigencies, but always with the scope of complete immersion with the nature. Easy to find on the street S.S. 113 Messina-Palermo (at km 172,9), not very far from a petrol station and a pharmacy, Rais Gerbi distinguishes itself from the very diverse solutions offered to the tourists. The camping is naturally furnished with spaces for tents, caravans and camping cars: at least 216 places, 96 having water and 120 water and electricity. These places are small and comfortable oases, the ground being a mixture of earth and cement, always fresh due to an opulent vegetation and artificial shelters. A couple of them are directly located on the sea side, placed here and there along the way going to the private beach. In the high season the camping offers a number of services to make your stay more enjoyable, such as nightclub, piano bar and mini-club for children.
Our numbers
Setting: Seaside Height: 20 (m a.s.l.) Area: 400,000 (sq. M) Accomodation: 399 Amperaggio piazzole:
min: 6 A, max: 16 A
Nature of the Coast: Rocky

21 march 2025 ~ 30 november 2025

marketBarPizzeriaOut of season garagingCamper ServiceWifi Zone

on a leash

Sport facilities
TennisBowlsSwimming poolFive-a-side footballping pong

Our accommodations
Places: 25656 for tents 100 for camper 100 for caravan Bungalow: 10 Mobilhome: 19

Car charging stations
 There are car charging stations less than a kilometer from the property

Toilettes suitable to handicapped people

Credit Cards
MastercardCarta SiBancomatVisaElectronPostePay


ultima verifica 30/01/2025
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Camping & Village Rais Gerbi


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