

Eurocamping Due Rocche

With its convenient position, EuroCamping Due Rocche is the ideal starting point for enjoyable excusions to all parts of the island, including visits to places of historical and archeological interest, ancient monuments and splendid natural scenery. A network of fast roads and motorways gives quick and easy access to famous attractions like Agrigento and the Valley of the Temples, Palermo and Monreale, Syracuse, Catania and Mount Etna, Piazza Armerina and Morgantina. EuroCamping Due Rocche is situated by the sea on a flat and thickly wooded stretch of coast. The beach, sandy almost everywhere, is dominated by the formation of rocks called Due Rocche, and is sheltered by a natural promontory that takes its name, Punta Delle Due Rocche, from these same rocks. The sea is absolutely transparent and slopes gently into deeper waters from the shallows by the beach, making it ideal not only for children, but also for water-skiing, sailing and other water sports. A small reef about three hundred metres from the shore offers excellent opportunities for underwater fishing, in an area of sea that is surprisingly rich in fish. The beach by which the campsite is located is very large and clean. The campsite is the ideal starting point for enjoyable excursions to all parts of the island.
Our numbers
Setting: Seaside Height: 0 (m a.s.l.) Area: 26,000 (sq. M) Accomodation: 800 Distance from the sea: 0 m Nature of the Coast: Mixed

01 april 2025 ~ 31 october 2025

Professional entertainmentmarketBarOut of season garagingSeasonal guestsCamper ServiceWifi Zone

on a leashnot on the beachonly vaccinated animalsonly with muzzle

Sport facilities
Bowlsbeach volleyFive-a-side footballping pong

Our accommodations
Places: 200200 for tents 200 for camper 200 for caravan

Toilettes suitable to handicapped people

silent 14:00 16:00

Credit Cards
MastercardCarta SiBancomatVisaPostePay

ultima verifica 04/08/2023
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Eurocamping Due Rocche


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