

Camping La Vecchia Torre

A place where to stay and where to go Founded in 1967 on the intuition of the engineer Niccolò Coppola, the point of strength of this Camping is a 50 year experience in the field of tourism. Its location on the sea, makes this Camping unique, and offers all our guests the possibility to use our reserved beach, which in all causes is just a few steps away from the various accommodations. A little further South in the background, you can find Gallipoli lying on the sea, a town which combine strength and grace, beauty written in the name, with its ancient Hellenic Fountain, its churches-art galleries, its austere Castle, Baroque Palaces, the mysterious maze of its streets, the friendliness of its people, the dynamic beaches and nightlife.
Our numbers
Setting: Seaside Accomodation: 1,500 Distance from the sea: 0 m Nature of the Coast: Mixed

24 may 2025 ~ 30 september 2025

RestaurantProfessional entertainmentmarketBarPizzeriaInfirmaryOut of season garagingCamper Serviceinternet pointWifi ZoneBike rent

on a leashnot on the beach

Sport facilities
TennisminigolfVolley Ballbeach volleyFive-a-side footballping pong

Our accommodations
Places: 320120 for tents 100 for camper 100 for caravan Bungalow: 83

Sedie Job / Carrozzina da SpiaggiaToilettes suitable to handicapped people

Credit Cards
MastercardCarta SiBancomatVisaMaestroPostePay

ultima verifica 26/02/2025
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Camping La Vecchia Torre


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